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Jude Fitzgerald is an award-winning marketing and communications expert and creative strategist. As both a hands-on leader and trusted business consultant, she collaborates with a diverse range of clients—including major corporations, non-profits, and individual trailblazers. A passionate storyteller, travel architect and curator, Jude is recognized for her authenticity, dynamic energy, and insatiable curiosity. Committed to making a meaningful impact, she thrives at the intersection of business, travel, the arts, and community engagement.

She is an analytical, data-driven, strategic integrated marketing, communications and relationship management professional specializing in strategic business growth initiatives to support client attraction and retention across a diverse portfolio of brands, industries and cultures.

Jude is a respected leader with global B2B and B2C executive-level experience in Australia, Japan and the U.S. She has a demonstrated gift for forging valuable relationships with key internal and external stakeholders and partners coupled with unsurpassed professionalism and integrity.

Throughout her career, Jude has lived and worked in Sydney, Tokyo, New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Denver, Seattle and Palm Beach, FL. She is currently based in Newport Beach, CA as the founder of JUDE FITZGERALD + | J F +. At the helm of this fiercely original, boundary-breaking, independent creative powerhouse, Jude is dedicated to curating and producing individual, non-profit and corporate road maps that shape experiences, promote stories and revolutionize brands via:

  • OUR BIG SPLASH – a one-stop profile-raising shop specializing in tailored marketing, communications, events and coaching

  • MY BIG SPLASH – a boutique eGallery featuring original contemporary art

  • TRAVEL RATTLE – an independent travel platform featuring what’s disruptive in the travel industry

Driven by a deep sense of purpose, meticulous attention to detail, and a knack for connecting the dots, Jude’s entrepreneurial spirit and zeal for business have been forged through years of leadership roles within esteemed public and private enterprises.

As Head of Marketing and Communications at Tricon Residential Inc. (NYSE: TCN, TSX: TCN), Jude was responsible for all aspects of creating, building and bringing to life the Tricon Residential brand across the U.S. and Canada and aligning Tricon’s marketing and communications programs with its business, financial and people-first goals.

Jude served as Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) at Logistics Property Company, LLC (LPC), responsible for protecting and enhancing the LPC brand across North America. In this capacity, she was recognized as part of the Class of 2021: GlobeSt. Women of Influence Awards.

Before joining LPC, Jude was on executive leadership teams at two Australian-headquartered global travel management companies. She was responsible for developing and implementing marketing and communications strategies for eight brands and their affiliated products across more than 20 offices in North America. In 2014, she received the Flight Centre Travel Group Global Corporate Marketing Award.

She also spent ten years at Macquarie Group—Australia’s largest investment bank. After five years in the Corporate Communications Division in Sydney, she relocated to the U.S. to work on a joint real estate development venture with Greg Norman, aka The Great White Shark. As an Associate Director and Senior Vice President of Marketing and Communications, she led marketing and communications for Macquarie Real Estate Capital – North America and Europe and several ASX-listed REITs.

Jude proudly serves on the SoCal Regional Board of UNICEF USA, which has saved more children than any other humanitarian organization and is an active member of CHIEF. With a mutual obsession for travel, adventure and storytelling, she delights in exploring new cities, countries, cultures and experiences with her husband.

Jude holds a Master of Arts in International Relations (Deakin University), a Bachelor of Arts in Modern Languages, Japanese with a sub-major in Management (University of Canberra), and a Diploma in Financial Markets (FINSIA). She attained a Certificate in Omnichannel Marketing (Northwestern University—Kellogg School of Management) and a Certificate in Integrated Marketing Communications (DePaul University). She also received a one-year Rotary International Youth Exchange Program scholarship to Japan.