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This exhibition is much more than dot paintings... The carefully curated collection comprises 35 hand-picked pieces of extraordinary contemporary art—predominantly with an Indigenous Australian Aboriginal focus—ranging in price points from $100 to $10,000 each. So, there’s something for everyone, from amateurs to collectors alike, with proceeds benefiting UNICEF USA’s 75th-anniversary campaign.

ART 4 UNICEF @ 75 - NO. 35

sold out

ART 4 UNICEF @ 75 - NO. 35


Artist: Xin Zhang

Medium: Mixed media

Title: Untitled

Dimensions: 41” x 17”

Provenance: N/A

Generously donated by: Rena and Manuel Pulido

Photography: Tom McDonald @tmcd.chi

Proceeds from the sale of ART 4 UNICEF @ 75 via and on Thursday, August 12, 2021 will go to support UNICEF’s lifesaving work for children worldwide.*

*UNICEF does not endorse any brand, product, or service. No part of this purchase is tax-deductible.

PSST… Out of wall space, but would like to support UNICEF USA via a tax-deductible contribution?


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